Pre Conception
More and more couples seem to be leaning towards holistic therapies for help with the stress and anxiety that go hand in hand with fertility problems, and reflexology is fast becoming one of the most popular of these therapies. Many factors can prevent conception and this can become an incredibly stressful time. Reflexology is extremely effective at helping the body cope with stress and the effects can be experienced immediately.
When trying to get pregnant it is essential to create homeostasis, where everything in your body is in balance. Reflexology can help you to achieve this delicate balance naturally without the interference of unnatural chemicals. When your body and mind are working at thier optimal level, it is the ideal environment for conception.
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Pre Conception Or HypnoBirthing please click here to visit New Beginnings Hypnotherapy
During the whole nine months of pregnancy your body has to cope with constant changes i.e. hormonal, physiological and of course, emotional. Reflexology can help restore peace and balance to a world thrown into chaos by these changes, as well as bringing a feeling of well being and relaxation to mum and baby alike.
Having regular treatments throughout the pregnancy can have tremendous beneficial effects for both mother and baby, and there is also research to prove that women who have reflexology regularly during their pregnancy are far more likely to require less pain relief and have a shorter labour than those not receiving reflexology.